Fieldside Neighborhood. Charles County, Maryland.
Fieldside Neighborhood encompasses 238 single familiy lots, 252 townhouses, and a village center. The 160 acre site is located near streams and wetlands and resource protection zones, was the first St. Charles neighborhood to adhere to Maryland’s SWM Act of 2007. The site was harvested for sand and gravel and logged in accordance with sustainable forest management practices.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil/Land Development
Field investigations were performed along the the design of grading, parking lot and road design, utility infrastructure, stormwater management facilities, and erosion and sediment control measures for the neighborhood development. A preliminary neighborhood subdivision plan was also created for the site along with a village master plan.
Aerial, traverse, bench marks and boundary surveying services were performed. A final subdivision for the plats was also prepared.
Site investigations of the neighborhood were performed while the applications needed for approvals from the Charles County Planning Division and the Maryland Department of the Environment/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were prepared.
Traffic and signal warrant studies of the site were conducted allowing traffic plan maintenance. Signage and pavement marking plans were constructed and a traffic signal to support ultimate build-out traffic flows was designed.