Event Center. University of Maryland Baltimore County.
A detailed facility program was developed for a new 163,000 SF Event Center and Arena. A 5,000 seat capacity multi-purpose arena and supporting locker and team rooms to accommodate NCAA athletics, commencement, concerts and other special events, academic achievement center (classrooms and computer laboratory), athletics administration suite, sports training facilities, sports medicine facilities, and building support spaces were included in the program. In response to a very steep site containing numerous environmental and utility constraints, WRA developed a conceptual site plan design to ensure that the site was viable and identify necessary site improvements.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Primary goals of the program were to provide a flexible, multi-purpose venue which is physically and visually integrated into the campus, while optimizing the use of the University’s allocated funds.
Civil/Land Development
The design of grading, parking lots, a service road, utility services, stormwater management facilities, erosion and sediment control measures, and securing all permits/approvals from the MDE and Baltimore County were included.
Topographic and utility location surveys were provided for this proposed facility. Survey control was tied to existing UMBC monumentation. Topography generated to map physical features and develop a model of the existing conditions. The survey was processed in AutoCADD using WRA standards.