Department of Transportation Technical Assistance. Baltimore City, Maryland.
WRA has been providing the City of Baltimore Department of Transportation transit technical assistance for the City’s Charm City Circulator, Harbor Connector Ferry Service and Point East Shuttle.
Activities that have been undertaken include:
- Baltimore Water Transit Strategic Plan
- Baltimore Ferry Boat Discretionary Grant Application
- Harbor East/Harbor Point Travel Demand Management Study
- Requests for Proposal (RFP) and Independent Cost Estimate for:
- Charm City Circulator (24 buses – federally compliant)
- Harbor Connector (3 ferry routes – federally compliant)
- Point East Shuttle (5 peak buses – city funded)
- Point East Shuttle service support including market research, route and schedule design, bus stop placement, and marketing materials
- National Transit Database
- Charm City Circulator Automatic Passenger Counters Validation Report
- Charm City Circulator Vehicle Inspections and Condition Report