Cromwell Light Rail Maintenance Facility. Baltimore, Maryland.
The 56,000 SF facility included maintenance bays for light rail vehicles, diesel locomotives, and maintenance of way equipment; a light rail vehicle wash bay; AC/DC power substation; and offices. The project also called for expansion of the existing Cromwell Storage Yard to its ultimate capacity with construction of 8,200 feet of new track, 17 turnouts, signals, and catenary. The total storage capacity of the facility is 35 light rail vehicles plus four light rail vehicle spots in the maintenance bays. WRA teamed with Gannett Fleming to complete the design in 10 months to meet an aggressive construction schedule.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
The track design was an extension of the Phase 1 storage yard to its ultimate buildout configuration and provided the shop facilities with maximum flexibility. Another track was constructed for loading/unloading light rail vehicles to/from trucks.
The electrical design provided the complete power distribution system, high-mast outdoor lighting, shop lighting, power for shop equipment, voice/data systems, fire alarm and security system. An underground ductbank was designed for the power system, as well as for communication lines.
Plumbing design included a central compressed air system, industrial waste system complete with underground oil/water separator, and an automatic vehicle wash system complete with wash water reclaim and pH neutralization. HVAC design included roof-mounted gas-fired heating and ventilating units.