College Avenue Promenade. Blacksburg, Virginia.
The College Avenue Promenade Project provides a pedestrian-friendly connection between the Town of Blacksburg and the Virginia Tech campus. Key components of the site program include integration into Virginia Tech’s Henderson Lawn, Theatre 101 and the Squires Student Center; and a connection to the Fine Arts Center. An expanded promenade provides for two-sided music venues for weekly concerts and the Town’s annual Steppin’ Out Celebration.
WRA was responsible for comprehensive design and construction administration services, including roadway, drainage, stormwater management, geotechnical and utility infrastructure. WRA developed the phased construction schedule to accommodate both the Town and Virginia Tech’s events, including football games, graduation and busy holiday shopping times. Stormwater management is accomplished through a series of constructed bioretention basins which provide nutrient removal as well as create an aesthetic setting for diners and pedestrians.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
With the assistance of WRA’s geotechnical engineers, WRA designed a concrete road surface, revised traffic signals for the change in traffic patterns, and developed a maintenance of traffic plan to control pedestrian and vehicular movement during construction.
Water Resources
Stormwater retention and treatment design included bioretention basins and underground piping. The basins were designed to achieve nutrient removal.
The WRA Electrical Section worked closely with area electric providers to design a reliable power system which is required to serve vendors during the Town’s street events. In addition, conduits were installed to accommodate a new Town-wide broad banding system.