On-Call Contracts with Anne Arundel County DPW. Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
The services provided as a part of this agreement are varied in nature, and include engineering disciplines such as water and wastewater drainage, stormwater management, soils-grading, architecture, inspection, geotechnical, traffic, environmental services, environmental testing and any others that may be required in connection with the operations of the Department of Public Works. Under this open-end contract, WRA has provided water quality/stormwater management services for multiple projects including:
Road Operations Water Quality Study, Outfall and Pond Retrofit Study - Tidal Patapsco River Watershed, NPDES Permit Requirements for Stormwater Discharges, Edgewater Park - Water Quality Ponds, Cheval Trails - Stormwater Management Pond, Road Operations Facilities Environmental Compliance Audit, Road Operations Facilities Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, Eisenhower Golf Course Irrigation Pond Rehabilitation Study, Church Creek Stormwater Sampling, Saint Margaret's Yard Stormwater Management Pond.