Bridge XCE2003 carrying Chandlee Road over Little Northeast Creek. Cecil County, Maryland.
The existing single span bridge, 17 feet long, consisted of a timber plank deck supported by 19 timber beams. The bridge foundations bear on a layer of bedrock and are constructed using stone masonry and reinforced concrete. The new superstructure consists of six timber glued laminated deck panels supporting an asphalt wearing surface. The road was closed to traffic, then the existing superstructure was removed and replaced in a total of 17 days in May 2016 by the County’s on-call contractor, Eastern Highway Specialists, Inc. WRA provided final design and construction support services.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
A timber superstructure was utilized in order to limit the loads on the existing foundations. Due to the narrow beam spacing of the existing structure and in order to avoid modifications to the existing abutments, six 10.5” deep by 4’-6” wide timber glued laminated panels were chosen in order to increase the capacity of the bridge and remove the existing load postings as desired by the Cecil County Department of Public Works.