Blandair Park Phase J. Columbia, Maryland.
Phase J includes 1.5 miles of roadway, traffic, and sidewalk/pathway improvements, such as on and off ramps for MD 175 between Tamar Road and Thunder Hill Road, two roundabouts, a bus stop, a large culvert crossing, the slip lining of an existing culvert as well as the associated SWM (for detention and ESD), a traffic control plan, traffic signal modifications, utility relocations, raised speed tables, landscaping, striping, and signage. The design included the preliminary design of an overpass to provide a connection to the park north of MD 175.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Design for the proposed roadway, ramps and roundabouts including alignments and profiles, cross sections, pavement striping, and signage. Roadway elements were designed to meet State Highway Administration and Howard County requirements within each respective right-of-way.
Civil/Land Development
SWM and erosion and sediment control design as well as the permitting required by the Maryland State Highway Administration and Howard County. Efforts included the design of two large scale detention facilities as well as several smaller ESD features.
A large culvert system as well as a slip-lining for an existing deteriorating culvert system was designed.
Topographic surveys and electronic locating of underground utilities was conducted.
Site investigations were conducted while permits/approval were prepared and expedited from Howard County Planning and Zoning, the Soil Conservation District, and the Maryland Department of the Environment/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.