Basin C. Laurel, Maryland.
The Basin C project was based on a stormwater management approach to provide regional treatment of runoff from new facilities including paved parking areas, a relocated antenna with an at-grade access road, and a relocated sandblasting pad. The ponds were constructed to provide SWM for ultimate build-out based on an 85% impervious area to enable flexibility in the future development. The mostly wooded basin had minimal existing research buildings and associated infrastructure, so the site was classified as a new development. The SWM facilities for this project were designed to manage water quality volume, recharge volume, and channel protection volume. Three SWM basins were designed and constructed according to Maryland Code 378 for ponds. Two were shallow marsh wetlands with undulating micro-topography and one was a detention (dry) pond in parallel with a bioretention facility.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil/Land Development
Site investigations and hydraulic/hydrologic analyses as well as designed grading, SWM facilities, and erosion and sediment control for the project were performed. The civil/site development team also prepared and secured SDP approval and waivers from Howard County, and performed construction inspection of the basins.
Topographic surveys of the project limits were conducted. Campus F Plats were also updated.
Site investigations were performed while permits/approvals including forest stand delineation and wetlands/waters for the project were secured.
Outlet structures were designed along with weirs in the basins.
Subsurface investigations and geotechnical design of the SWM basins were performed.