BaltimoreLink. Baltimore, MD.
Every route in the 66 route - 761 bus system was modified to provide better connectivity to jobs and educational opportunities across the Baltimore region. The service concepts include 12 high-frequency CityLink color coded lines with ten minute frequencies, 47 LocalLink lines connecting neighborhoods to the high-frequency network and nine Express BusLink lines connecting outlying areas to primary job centers. MDOT/MTA selected WRA to provide executive assistance to the Office of Service Development (MDOT/MTA’s internal planning and scheduling office) and assist the internal scheduling team prepare 104 routes and patterns in Trapeze.
WRA staff chaired the Service Development Committee ensuring coordination with all MDOT/MTA departments, supporting the schedule development process through on-site Trapeze scheduling support and assisting with the In-reach program to inform bus operators of the new service plan. WRA traffic and engineering staff assisted with the evaluation of 1,100 bus stop locations and minor traffic engineering changes aimed at improving route operability and safety.
The first phase of BaltimoreLink services was implemented in June 2016 while the new CityLink and LocalLink routes were implemented the following year in 2017.