MD 32 Phase 1 Design-Build Wins the MDQI MDOT SHA Award Over $5M.
The MD 32 from MD 108 to Linden Church Road Design-Build project was procured with an A+B bid including a schedule component. This resulted in an aggressive schedule for which the design-build team (DBT) met or surpassed the design and construction milestones. The project included coordination between the owner, MDOT SHA, Howard County which had a funding component and local road connections coordination, BGE and Verizon as utility owners that required relocations, Concrete General as the contractor, and WRA as the designer. The project goals included: completing construction as soon as possible, minimizing impacts to environmental resources, design excellence, and maintaining mobility by minimizing delays during construction, specifically any detours.
The proactive approach to design development and knowledge of construction facilitated meeting the aggressive project schedule with a reasonable and feasible plan. To maintain the schedule, the project was divided into two zones allowing for earlier completion of the first zone which included all four small structures. By doing so, two-way traffic could be switched onto the new SB roadway earlier in order to allow construction of the second half of the small structures while the remaining SB roadway in the second zone was being constructed. Proactive coordination with utility owners was a key component to expedite concurrent utility relocations.