Centreville Freight Line Emergency Repairs. Millington, Maryland.
WRA was contracted by the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) to produce emergency repair plans to allow rail services to resume and prevent additional environmental impacts. Time was of the essence and WRA worked quickly to expedite all services, basing our design upon the use of recycled or readily available materials acceptable to both MTA and the railroad operator, Maryland and Delaware Railroad (MDR). After design of the repairs using a combination of 72-inch and 48-inch RCP culverts, grout bag headwalls and crusher run backfill, WRA expedited an approximately one week bidding process by actively reviewing contractor proposals for alternate materials and construction methods. Repairs were completed by the selected contractor within approximately two weeks, allowing rail services to resume. Permanent repairs using a single-span bridge structure were also subsequently designed by WRA.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water Resources
WRA developed all hydrologic/hydraulic and scour models for the emergency and permanent repairs using methods and standards accepted by MDE for in-kind replacements in order to expedite permitting efforts.
WRA conducted geotechnical investigations for the permanent bridge replacement at one of the locations and oversaw pile driving operations.
WRA developed the structural design of the permanent bridge structure and provided construction-related services.
Natural Resource services performed by WRA included wetland delineation, forest stand delineation and after-the-fact permitting and regulatory coordination.