SR-1 - Indian River Inlet Bridge Approach Stabilization. Indian River Inlet Bridge, Delaware.
Due to the storm surge caused by Hurricane Sandy, the existing sand dunes providing protection for the SR-1 northbound roadway approach embankment to the Indian River Inlet Bridge were scoured out and swept away. DelDOT’s priority was to prevent the roadway approach embankments from washing away in the unusually high storm tides. WRA provided emergency engineering services for DelDOT to develop contract documents for nearly 1000 feet of tied back sheet pile wall bulkhead to help prevent damage to the approach embankments. Due to the highly compressed schedule, coordination between WRA and the on-site contractor was essential. The contract documents produced included enough information to bypass the shop drawing phase. The extra effort by WRA to produce high quality engineering plans allowed the contractor to begin work on the sheet pile bulkhead as soon as material was procured.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA relied on its extensive knowledge of sheet pile wall bulkheads to develop drawings and calculations for the cantilever and tied back sheet pile wall solution. Additionally, shop drawing level details were provided for the tieback wales.