Breakwater Study. Elk River, Maryland.
The Rogue’s Harbor Boating Facility at Elk Neck State Park is located on the Elk River in Maryland. Users of the facility were being put in danger and experiencing damage to their boats as a result of surface waves being produced by the wakes of vessels using the nearby C&D Canal and wind over the bay. WRA investigated different design alternatives and configurations for protective breakwaters and ultimately recommended a solution that considered existing site conditions, wave attenuation capabilities, sediment transport issues, damage due to ice floes, and overall cost.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Wave calculations were performed to determine the level of attenuation required for both wind-generated and vessel-generated waves. Plan drawings and cost estimates were provided for each design alternative.
As part of the study, WRA included the site specific permitting requirements for a breakwater improvement project at Rogue’s Harbor.