I-95 and I-495 Noise Barriers. Prince George’s County, Maryland.
The I-95/I-495 Noise Barriers project included 5 Type II noise barriers for the Knollwood, Powder Mill, and Hollywood communities along I-95 and I-495 in Prince George’s County. Noise analysis included noise measurements and field data collection, property research, impact analysis, mitigation analysis and design, and preparation of noise reports. Horizontal and vertical alignments and acoustic profiles were established in close coordination with SHA. Contract documents were developed with detailed consideration to constructability and utility coordination. Construction related services were also provided for the barriers, which totaled 4,834 feet in length, and included an extension of an existing barrier at Hollywood and a system of 3 barriers at Knollwood to take advantage of the topographic features.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA prepared contract documents for a total of 4,834 LF ground-mounted noise wall. Structural design services included structural design of caissons, specialized retaining panel caissons and retaining wall type panels to accommodate additional fill, grade beams, and 32-foot wide panels to span underground utility conflicts.