Blandair Park Phase 2. Columbia, Maryland.
Two synthetic turf baseball fields with dugouts and bullpens, a playground, six tennis courts, a turf quad, a comfort station and picnic shelter, pedestrian promenade, landscaping, parking, signage, a concession pad, and utility services were designed. Development of this 16 acre phase required topographic surveys, updating the forest conservation plan, geotechnical investigations, preparation of construction documents, extensive permits/approvals, and the coordination with adjacent property owners.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil/Land Development
Field investigations of the site were conducted while grading, parking lots, and roads were designed. Utility infrastructure systems, stormwater management facilities, erosion and sediment control measures were also performed along with construction phasing for the Phase 2 improvements.
Topographic surveys were conducted.
Site investigations were performed. Applications for approvals from Howard County Planning and Zoning and the Soil Conservation District were also prepared and expedited.
Building designs from Phase 1 to design the Phase 2 picnic shelter and comfort station were refined.
Wall and roofing systems for the new picnic shelter and comfort station were designed.
HVAC and plumbing systems for the new comfort station were created.
Construction documents for the electrical and lighting systems of the new picnic shelter, comfort station, and multi-purpose fields were designed along with extensive site electrical infrastructure.
Subsurface investigations were conducted while a foundation design for the new park features was created.
Traffic maintenance plans to support Phase 2 improvements were prepared while a previously prepared traffic study was updated.