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Disaster Response - Tips - Change GlobalProtect Portal.

Changing Global Protect Portal

  1. From the Start Menu Start Menu, Open Palo Alto Networks -> GlobalProtect to make the GlobalProtect window display


  1. On the GlobalProtect window, click on the three lines on the top right and choose Settings


  1. On the General Tab, choose the ‘Add’ button and input the new Portal Name (provided to you in a separate email) into the field


  1. Click the Save button and close the GlobalProtect Settings Window
  2. Open the GlobalProtect Window again through Start -> Palo Alto Networks -> GlobalProtect
  3. In the Drop-Down List – choose the new portal name


  1. GlobalProtect will start connecting to the new portal right away.
  2. Input your WRA username and password in the correct fields (The ‘wra\’ prefix or ‘’ suffix is NOT needed in the username field)


  1. Once the correct credentials have been typed in, click Sign In and wait for the ‘Connected’ message to display.


  1. Once the ‘Connected’ message is displayed, you have now successfully changed GlobalProtect VPN Portals and are ready to access WRA network resources as assigned to your account.

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